How to Avoid the Top 5 Mistakes that Real Estate Agents Make in Dubai

Dubai is a city that offers a lot of opportunities for real estate agents who want to succeed in the industry. Dubai is home to some of the most iconic and luxurious properties in the world, as well as some of the most diverse and demanding clients.

However, being a real estate agent in Dubai is not easy. It requires a lot of skills, knowledge, and experience to navigate the complex and competitive market. It also requires a lot of professionalism, ethics, and integrity to build a reputation and a network. Unfortunately, many real estate agents in Dubai make some common mistakes that can cost them their clients, their commissions, and their careers. In this blog post, we will reveal the top 5 mistakes that real estate agents make in Dubai and how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Not knowing the market

One of the biggest mistakes that real estate agents make in Dubai is not knowing the market. The market in Dubai is constantly changing and evolving, influenced by factors such as supply and demand, price fluctuations, legal regulations, and economic conditions. Real estate agents who do not keep up with market trends and data can miss out on opportunities, make wrong decisions, and lose credibility.

To avoid this mistake, real estate agents should do their research and analysis on the market regularly. They should use reliable sources, to get the latest information and insights on the market. They should also network and communicate with other agents, developers, and experts to get their opinions and feedback on the market.

Mistake #2: Not understanding the clients

Another common mistake that real estate agents make in Dubai is not understanding the clients. The clients in Dubai are very diverse and demanding, coming from different backgrounds, cultures, and preferences.

To avoid this mistake, real estate agents should listen and communicate with the clients effectively. They should ask the right questions, listen to the answers, and clarify any doubts or concerns.

  • What is your main goal for buying or selling a property?
  • How soon do you want to achieve your goal?
  • What is your budget and how do you plan to finance your purchase or sale?
  • How flexible are you on the price, terms, and conditions of the transaction?
  • What are your preferences and priorities for the location, size, style, and features of the property?
  • How do you prefer to communicate and how often do you expect updates from me?
  • Do you have any questions or concerns about the process or the market?

These questions can help real estate agents assess the client’s motivation, urgency, affordability, expectations, and satisfaction. They can also help to build rapport, trust, and loyalty with the clients.

Mistake #3: Not marketing the properties

A third mistake that real estate agents make in Dubai is not marketing the properties. The properties in Dubai are very competitive and challenging to sell, as there are many options and alternatives available for the buyers and sellers.

Real estate agents typically market their properties through static images and long descriptions creating a boring listing. This effectively causes them to miss out on exposure, visibility, and leads.

To avoid this mistake, real estate agents should use different marketing strategies and platforms like Viewit to promote and sell the properties. With Viewit, you can record video listings of your property creating a more detailed and immersive experience. Hence, when a client reaches out to you, they’re more likely to convert since they’ve seen the property in detail.

Mistake #4: Not following the rules and regulations

A fourth mistake that real estate agents make in Dubai is not following the rules and regulations. The rules and regulations in Dubai are very strict and specific, governing the legal and financial aspects of the real estate transactions.

Real estate agents who do not follow the rules and regulations can face penalties, fines, and lawsuits. They can also damage their reputation and trustworthiness. To avoid this mistake, real estate agents should be aware and updated on the rules and regulations in Dubai. They should consult with the authorities, such as the Dubai Land Department (DLD) and the Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA), to get the necessary licenses, permits, and approvals. They should also comply with the laws, policies, and procedures that apply to real estate transactions, such as the transfer fee, the registration fee, the mortgage fee, and the VAT.

Mistake #5: Not providing excellent service

The service in Dubai is very high and demanding, as the clients expect the best from the real estate agents. Real estate agents who do not provide excellent service can lose their clients, their referrals, and their repeat business. They can also lose their competitive edge and their market share. To avoid this mistake, real estate agents should provide excellent service to their clients throughout the entire process. They should be responsive, reliable, and respectful.

They should be proactive, helpful, and supportive. They should be honest, transparent, and ethical. They should also be professional, courteous, and friendly.


Being a real estate agent in Dubai can be a rewarding and fulfilling career, but it can also be a challenging and demanding one. Real estate agents who want to succeed in Dubai should avoid the common mistakes that can ruin their chances of success.

They should know the market, understand the clients, market the properties, follow the rules and regulations, and provide excellent service. By doing so, they can build their reputation, their network, and their business.

If you are interested in finding out more about how to become a successful real estate agent in Dubai, you can visit our website and book a meeting where we share how Viewit can help you save time, close deals faster, and make more commissions.

Written By: Ashar Iqbal Published On: 08 November 2023

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